It was established on 14th July 2016. Blitzz has satellite offices in Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Noida, Kanpur, Greater Noida, Himachal Pradesh, Gorakhpur, Chennai, and Nepal. With a workforce of 60+ Employees which includes 4 CEOs, 10 Branch Heads, 6 Team leaders, 20 Casting Heads, 10 Cameraperson, 5 Designers, 3 stylists, and 2 Directors BlitzzToday is going ahead.

More than 90,000 physical copies in India and 25 Lakhs+ e-copies of BlitzzToday editions are distributed every year. BlitzzToday is a huge agency with Kids (clients) from all over the world. Some of the countries from where kids are connected are Kuwait, Australia, India, Dubai, Finland, Sri Lanka, and Nepal. BlitzzToday is a part of Mojocial Tech Pvt. Limited. It is segregated into different sections like

1.) Entrepreneur and Hotel Magazine- World 360
2.) Restaurant – Lets Cafe
3.) Hotels – Root House, Himachal Pradesh
4.) Studios – Ocean Home Studio, Vincy Mag Studio, and Karma Studio.
5.) Call centers- Page 3 and Teamhonk (10 branches all over India)
5.) Web news channel – News Today
6.) Voxland – Grooming and Talent management company

BlitzzToday is in partnership with 10 Magazines- Newlook, Absolute Glam, Fizz, Fabulous, Voxland, Property get, Glamour, and Insurance India. 10,000+ Kids for different projects have been cast which include Big Movie Projects, Serials, Web Series, Brand Ambassadors, Print Advertisements, Songs, etc.
BlitzzToday has been Awarded Best Kids Modelling Agency by News Channels and Media Groups for the past 6 years.